Empower your kids to be
proactive contributors in
your home, break the
cycle of motherhood
burnout, and finally
lighten your mental load

WITHOUT fighting the chore chart battle, resorting to yelling/threats/bribes, or just giving up and rage-cleaning everything yourself…again.

AND EVEN IF your kids are neurospicy, are strong-willed/resistant, or older and "stuck in their ways."


What if the dishwasher was already unloaded?

What if bathroom cleaning wasn’t your job?

What if the laundry was totally handled?

And what if household tasks like these happened,
every day without your kids relying on you to
tell them what to do?


It’s not your fault. The normalization of motherhood burnout has pushed us all to our absolute limit.

Hi. I'm Sam.

I’m a therapist turned feminist coach for mothers and a mom of 3.

I've also been where you are... & there was a time when I thought this was normal.

I know what it feels like to have an endless to-do list running in your head, the constant juggling act, the mental toll of overseeing everyone’s needs and schedules.

I accepted that this was “just the season of life I’m in."

I tried for over a decade to do it all myself…while shoving down the brewing resentment.

I eventually hit a breaking point and started confronting the inequity in my marriage with my partner.

After over a year of working together on sharing the mental load, I found myself still making chore lists for my kids.

And that’s when I realized: I was doing the exact same thing for my kids I had been trying to teach my husband NOT to rely on me to do.

And in that moment, I decided I was no longer going to perpetuate the cycle of expecting the woman in the family to carry the majority of the family’s mental load for everyone else.


I knew I was on to something when one morning,
I woke up to all 3 kids happily and easily:

Cleaning their bedrooms with dirty laundry picked up off the floor

Toys put away, and neatly made beds

ALL without being asked
(including my neurodivergent kid and my strong-willed kid)

And it happened quicker than I could've imagined.

Now, instead of a one-mom-band,
we work together as a
whole family team.

💪My kids willingly NOTICE what needs to be done in the home without waiting to be asked.

💆🏼‍♀️I have LESS on my plate and MORE SPACE for rest and the capacity for self-care.

🚀 I know I’m EMPOWERING my kids to break the cycle of motherhood burnout and inequitable partnerships for their future.

Your family dynamic can shift in ways you never thought possible.

Even if you/your kids are neurodivergent.

Even if your kids are strong-willed, resistant, or spicy.

Even if you have older kids or teens.

Even if you’ve tried all the things and nothing’s worked.

Listen. I know you want your kids to learn important life skills like chores in your home.

And I also know you’re exhausted and the last thing you probably want to do is go to battle with your kid just to get a bathroom cleaned.

There's a BETTER way.

If you’ve ever fantasized about throwing all your
family's belongings in the trash because you’re tired
of picking up after everyone always, I want you to know…

Here’s the problem with some methods you
may have already tried…

Traditional chore charts & outdated systems miss a huge piece
They reinforce the skipping over of the first, crucial step of task execution - the noticing - and defaults that invisible labor onto you, the default parent (usually the mom/woman), to carry the load of knowing what needs to get done and then doing the work of assigning tasks for everyone, always. It teaches kids to have to rely on you.

Outsourcing support is expensive and unrealistic for most families
Sure, hiring cleaners, outside help, and a personal assistant would be amazing. But the reality is, many families can’t afford that. Most of us are on our own here.

Ideas in your nightly Instagram scroll are just band-aid quick "fixes"
Why do most online hacks/suggestions for drowning moms usually feel like fluffy, short-term "solutions," at best? And why are we, as women, constantly being told the answer lies in our ability to do more…only better or more efficiently…OR we’re given invalidating, blanket advice that can feel dismissive like, “just do less!”

You need a real solution that gets to the root of the problem so you can finally take a breath and feel
supported for once.

and you need it to work…for real.

The last thing you need is to waste your very limited time and energy on methods that only end up causing you more work, more stress, or that just don’t stick.

PROCESS THAT empowers kids to start noticing whaT needs to be done at home that

It's time for a never-before-seen approach

And it's not only working for my own kids...

but it’s also working for countless other families of all shapes, sizes, and needs.

The secret to lightening your load?

notice and do

Let’s empower your kids, in the easiest way possible for you, so they can start noticing what needs to be done in your home without waiting to be asked.

From toddlers to teens


Even strong-willed, spicy personalities

As Seen on

"Sam's course is maybe the best money I've ever spent."

"I bought her audio course with my own money and I have not even finished the course yet- that is how effective her concepts are. They're making a difference before I even complete the content! Sam's course is maybe the best money I've ever spent in my actual life. She is the "lazy genius" of teaching kids how to share the mental load of a home and I cannot recommend her audio course enough!"


So how does it work?


The simple, effective method for teaching kids daily, realistic cleaning skills and responsibilities that will take them from “No! I don’t want to clean!” to “Hey, Mom! I already started a load of laundry, wiped down the bathroom counter, and took out the garbage!”



When your kids learn awareness of what needs to be done around the house, it won’t be uncommon for the dishwasher to just get unloaded, rooms to be vacuumed, or laundry already folded and put away…because your kids have easily taken care of it, all on their own.



Wish you knew the magic words to help your kids actually understand and care about the importance of family teamwork and breaking the cycle of motherhood burnout? With all the age-appropriate scripts you need, you’ll know the right words to use, at the right time, to easily transform your family culture.


And I know what you're thinking...

This might seem like a crazy fantasy pipe dream that sure, may work for other families, but probably not yours.

I get it.  But I’m telling you- this works. This works. THIS WORKS.

Your kids won’t only be empowered to participate in the teamwork of managing a home (instead of always defaulting to “mom’s got it”)...

And the best part?

These life skills will benefit
your kids for
years to come.

They'll also:

Be more proactive in their lives.

Be aware, equitable partners in future relationships.

Be self-motivated, future leaders capable of thinking independently and intuitively contributing at home, at work, and in their communities.

Be capable of seeing an issue/problem anywhere, thinking critically, and finding
smart solutions.

Be successful adults who learned the crucial skill of noticing while they were young so they don’t have to work to reprogram their adult brain later on in life.

🤝 You’ll teach your daughters that shouldering the vast majority of a family’s mental load is not meant to be their default setting simply because society expects it of them.

💪 And you’ll teach your sons that the real expectation is that they are just as capable of being an aware, engaged team player who can actively share in carrying the invisible labor of a family.


A never-before-seen system and structure for lightening your load and raising empowered,
proactive kids

Easy, on-the-go listening with all of the practical tools you need (and nothing you don't!)

Age-specific strategies to grow with your family (toddlers-teens!)

Adaptable for a variety of needs (including neurodivergence and strong-willed personalities!)

that *actually works*…for real.

The first and only course of it's kind that will show you how to:

  • Break the cycle of motherhood burnout

  • Empower your kids to be proactive contributors in your home

  • Lighten your mental load

Here's what's included:


6-part audio course for easy, on-the-go listening

Who has time to consume mountains of excessive course materials, unnecessary resources, or try and fit in a bunch of Zoom calls?

This audio course is thorough, but succinct. Clear, straight to the point, and easy to process. Zero fluff. I’m not wasting any of your very limited time.

Just pop in your ear buds and easily listen any time, any place, at your own pace. Like the game-changing, private podcast/audio book you’ve been waiting for.


Important, cycle-breaking conversations & scripts as printable PDFs
Simple, quick access to the right magic words and phrases that will shift the entire dynamic in your home, right when you need them. All the practical tools and techniques that have made this system work for all types of families around the globe.

And not only is it possible to teach your kids about the mental load and our society’s harmful cultural messaging but I’m making it so easy for you to have these conversations with your kids, step-by-step, so they can actually understand and want to take action—scripts for toddlers all the way to teenagers!


The Guide Book
If your kids are anything like mine, roadblocks are bound to come up! I got you. The Guide Book is your troubleshooting go-to resource for the inevitable “what-ifs” and “what-do-I-do-whens” so you can instantly plug into specific, realistic solutions *that work* for a variety of potential issues.


Transcript of the course included
Need greater accessibility? A full transcript of the entire course is included! 

This isn't just another course. 
It's a lifeline.

Here's the module breakdown:

mental load 101 & your empowerment

Know exactly what you’re fighting against so you can start shifting negative patterns in your home for real.

Learn how to go from resentful and over-functioning to no longer having to do it all because your family is finally empowered to do the damn thing themselves.


cycle-breaking scripts and convos with your kids

All the simple, magic words you need to help your kids actually care about the importance of family teamwork, gendered societal messages and expectations, and their role in breaking the cycle of motherhood burnout.

These scripts are quick, easy-to-follow, age-appropriate (toddlers-teens!) and will open your kid’s eyes in ways you never thought possible!


Teach your kids to start noticing on their own

THE revolutionary, step-by-step process proven to transform your kids from never seeing the mess around them to suddenly taking the initiative and proactively cleaning your home without being asked.

Get ready for your life to change.



Don’t have perfect robot children? Cool. Me either.

Easily manage potential resistance (toddlers-teens) so no matter what your kid throws at you, you’ll know exactly how to handle it without resorting to bribes, threats, or yelling matches.

(Zero unrealistic, fluffy tips/tricks that sound good in theory but never seem to apply to the real world you live in. Promise.)



“But what if….?” or “What do I do when….?”

The answer to basically anything and everything that could come up for you and your kids in this process is in the Guide Book!

Have a specific question or unique roadblock? The Guide Book is a gold mine of solutions to potential issues right when you need them.



Learn from other mom’s real-life experiences as they also implement these concepts alongside you.

This group coaching call replay covers everything from...

how to conquer overwhelming clutter, what to do when parents are neurodivergent, getting preteens/teens on board, how to handle a kid who refuses to participate, neutralizing our own triggers, addressing partner involvement, and much more!


For a limited time

Normally $497 but if you join today,
get everything for:

Best Savings

1 payment of $197

  • Immediate access to 6-part audio course

  • Cycle-Breaking Scripts

  • The Guidebook

  • Live Q&A Replay

  • Printable PDFs

  • Full transcript of the course

MOst Flexible

2 payments of $117

  • Immediate access to 6-part audio course

  • Cycle-Breaking Scripts

  • The Guidebook

  • Live Q&A Replay

  • Printable PDFs

  • Full transcript of the course

What if you could go from

Having to do everything for everyone, every day

The loneliness of feeling unseen and taken for granted 

Resentment and anger bubbling up beneath the surface 

Always going a million miles an hour but never feeling enough

Overworked and exhausted

Daily fights and power struggles with your kids over chores

Resorting to just accepting the unmanageable chaos or always rage-cleaning on your own

to thriving

Less on your plate and more room for rest, self-care, and pursuing personal passions

Having energy to be more present and peaceful in your everyday life

Your kids easily notice what needs to be done in the home (and actually do it!) without having to be asked 

Confidence in knowing you’re setting your kids up for a different, better experience in the future

Getting to enjoy a well-oiled, family team who willingly works together daily

Finally feeling supported and like you can breathe for once

  • An overwhelmed parent/caregiver who’s no longer interested in carrying the mental load of home life alone.

  • Burnt out from the heavy, unrealistic “good mom” expectations you’ve been handed by our society and want a different, better experience for your kid’s futures.

  • Wanting to raise self-motivated kids who take responsibility for and ownership over what needs to be done in the home without waiting to be given a to-do list first.

  • A parent who needs access to easy, on-the-go learning with an audio-based course that you can tune in any time, any place.

little cycle-breakers is for you if you're:

But does it work?

Here's what other parents are saying:

"I could sing this shit
from the rooftops! This is
the first time I feel like I
can shift the narrative
and hand back the
power to them."

“This is the first time I feel like I can shift the narrative and hand back the power to them so I don’t have to be in charge of it all. I wish I knew about this ages ago but am so glad that it applies even now! And way better than anything I have been able to implement. Super empowering to teach my kids and see a shift so quickly. Thank you!”

- Jane
Mom of 3 (ages: 17, 15, 12)

"My kids are now doing their household tasks every day and are even going above and beyond. I am in awe.
This is life changing!."

“Before Little Cycle-Breakers, I’d wake up exhausted and anxious- not wanting to do another day of cooking and cleaning. This course has given me so much peace. I now have the language to teach my kids, the tools to be successful, and the empowerment so my 3 daughters won’t end up feeling like they are drowning just by being a woman who is expected to “do it all” in the future…and I’ve only just started! I was hesitant to invest in this because I’m trying to be frugal but it has been 100% worth the price. I’m so grateful. Thank you. Truly, truly, thank you.”

- Megan
Mom of 3 (ages: 8, 6, 4)

"There’s finally a visible path forward. I didn’t know this could be done. You need this course.”

“I used to be mentally overwhelmed and even my best efforts were only producing marginally noticeable, often short-lived results. Now I have hope. The strategies are easy to implement, I don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and my kids are starting to understand the “why” of sharing household work. Bonus: no matter how equitable/inequitable your partnership already feels, it will improve even more!!!”

- Lindsey
Mom of 4 (ages: 10, 8, 2, 9 months)

"Speaking as a certified parent coach, I believe Little Cycle-Breakers should be a prerequisite to parenting.

“This course has completely shifted my family’s way of being in our household and has transformed us into a team. My kids have felt so empowered by the scripts. There is more understanding, respect, and teamwork- without threats, bribes, or star charts. I truly believe this is the missing piece of the puzzle I have desperately needed for myself and so many others. It’s a major relief for any parent who feels alone, overworked, or under-appreciated and has empowered my family to break harmful generational cycles- a gift that will benefit all future generations.”

- Jayme
Mom of 3 (ages: 7, 5, 3)

"I have been blown away. The scripts and applications (for both younger and older kids) are some of the best I’ve ever had. This was everything I was hoping for and MORE."

“I always knew there was room for improvement in how our family views and distributes housework but I didn’t know how to change things. I have been blown away with Sam’s ability to succinctly share these concepts in such profound and relatable ways- and I’ve taken quite a few courses and read many books. Everything in the course is laid out in bite-sized pieces and the content is gold. Even if you have older kids or teens, do it. It’s never too late.”

- Amanda
Mom of 3 (ages: 15, 13, 11)

"I have been slowly implementing the strategies and I cannot even express how many amazing changes I’ve noticed- beyond what I could have expected! It’s changed
our lives!"

“My daughter, who has refused any and all cleaning for her entire life thus far, CLEANED THE LIVING ROOM all on her own. Then, my son vacuumed his room without being asked. Literally, all of a sudden, I heard the vacuum going upstairs and discovered it was him! Our family feels like a team. Resistance to contributing at home is diminishing quickly! And what is emerging are children with higher self-esteems, more empathy, and skills that will last them a lifetime.”

- Leah
Mom of 2 (ages: 11, 8)

"My kids have bought into the strategies surprisingly quickly
and contributing more and more
each day."

“I spent years trying to work harder, be better, organize more- but nothing truly worked. Little Cycle-Breakers is not only validating and helpful, but it’s taught me how to shift my energy around housework and it has permeated my kids.”

- Bailey
Mom of 3 (ages: 11, 8, 6)

"This course is wonderful and has been so transformative for me and how I think about running a household."

“Before Little-Cycle Breakers, I carried pretty much the whole mental load for our family. Listening to the audio lessons, I feel like I am sitting in a room with Sam having a therapy session. I am an early childhood educator and I have been sharing the concepts taught in this course with the families I work with as well as starting discussions in our small school community. I highly recommend this course as a mother, teacher, and therapist.”

- Susan
Mom of 1 (age 10)

"Little Cycle-Breakers is based in solid values and child psychology. It will help you build the life you keep
dreaming of."

“We’ve always been a family that talks about taking care of our home together but reality has been that we’ve slipped into me carrying most of the load with token involvement from the kids. Now, because of this course, we have the concrete, age-appropriate strategies we’ve needed and the know-how to implement them. On a recent Saturday morning, the kids wanted to complete “cleaning challenges” and they kept going for almost 2 hours!”

- Jess
Mom of 2 (ages: 7, 5)

"This works.
It absolutely works like magic."

“What Little Cycle-Breakers teaches has so impactfully changed our home for the better. My kids are being more observant, more considerate, and more involved every day without being asked. This course is empowering and insightful, full of mic-dropping realisations, and gives real-world, easy-to-follow steps and scripts to make the ultimate goal of a balanced household actually achievable! I can’t recommend this course enough. Bloody do it!”

- Janessa
Mom of 3 (ages: 10, 8, 3)


How long are the modules and how long will I have access to the materials for?

Each audio lesson is, on average, 45 mins- 1 hour.
Everything is yours to have always! 

I’m worried my kids will be too resistant.

Two of my kids are very strong-willed and can be highly resistant. I see you.
Little Cycle-Breakers has your back! There’s an entire lesson devoted exclusively to dealing with age-specific resistance (toddlers-teens!) and supporting cooperation in healthy, effective ways without resorting to yelling, bribes, or punishments.

How young can you start this?

You can start as soon as your child is old enough to walk and pick something up on their own. Create strong habits from the beginning and thank yourself later!

Will this work for teenagers?

It’s never too late to teach your kids about sharing the mental load at home! Little Cycle-Breakers has teen-specific scripts, strategies, considerations, and tools.
Make sure to check out the testimonials from parents of teens, as well! 

Do you offer refunds?

Yes! Check out my "30-Day Mental Load Money Back Guarantee" below.

Will this course teach me how to involve my husband?

Little Cycle-Breakers is a child-centered approach. 
However, many women are listening to the course with their partner and are also seeing improvements in THAT situation as well! 

What if my kids are neurodivergent? Can this still work for them?

Yes! I have a neurodivergent child! Little Cycle-Breakers isn't a one-size-fits-all. It's flexible, adaptable, and customizable to fit your unique family dynamics and kid’s needs like a glove.
The course shows you how. 

What if I am neurodivergent?

Little Cycle-Breakers has not only successfully taught neurodivergent kids, but it's also supportive of neurodivergent parents, as well! 
Check out the testimonials from neurodivergent moms!

Will this work for adult children living at home?

The overall structure outlined in the course can be applied to any age, including adults.

Do you offer a transcript?

Yes! A full transcript of the entire course is included!

Over 2000+ parents from around the world have already joined Little Cycle-Breakers and are experiencing game-changing shifts at home every day!

And to give you peace of mind, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

I want to ensure you get the most out of the course, so I ask that you take a full 30 days from the date of purchase to: 

Listen to all six lessons,
Apply what you learn in your daily routine, and
Implement the strategies in your home. 

If you listen to the lessons and apply the techniques you should start to notice the following within a month’s time: 

  • Your kids’ resistance to household tasks is starting to decrease

  • Your kids are beginning to “Notice and Do” household tasks on their own (even if they still need occasional support or reminders)

  • You no longer have to do everything for everyone, always

  • Improved family teamwork, cooperation, and support in your home

If you don’t experience any of these changes, contact us within 10 days after the 30-day period ends for a full refund. 

I want you to feel the positive impact of these changes in your home, and I’m confident you will!

Enrollment is open for a *limited time* and doors close soon!


Grab the audio course and start transforming not only your kid's lives but your own life, today.

Let’s break cycles together.

a friendly nudge:

only $197 now!

*limited-time offer*

6-Part Audio Format Lessons: Immediate access to the audio course, emailed right to you. Everything you need to know and nothing you don't. (You don't have time for fluff.)

Scripts PDFs: Age-appropriate conversations  and the magic words that will empower your kids (toddlers-teens!) to care about breaking cycles and actually start cleaning your home without waiting to be asked.

Guide Book PDF: An invaluable resource with solutions to all your potential questions/issues. (Works as a trouble-shooting glossary.)

Q&A Replay: Learn from other mom's real life experiences as we address specific answers to a wide variety of questions and scenarios in this live group coaching call recording.

Full transcript: The option to read the entire course for greater accessibility.