we are the beardshalls
The Beardshalls live up the street from me. When I walked into their home, their Will was in his jammies, fast asleep on the couch, with the pup laying next to him. I've never loaded film so fast in all my life. And that's really how the rest of my short time with the Beardshalls went. Just all these darling little tender scenes naturally occurring between a family that breathes love and calm and trust.
(And yes, Will is legitimately sound asleep for the first half of the session and his parents totally embraced his sweet sleepiness and didn't once try to wake him. I still can't believe how amazing that was!)
Teach me, Beardshalls. Teach me how to be more accepting and authentic and sparkling like you. ORRR maybe I'll just force you to come with me and my kids to the park all summer long and hopefully a little bit of your effortless charm will rub off on me.