gnome place like home

For better or for worse, I don't often feel lots of mama guilt. I'm far from perfect and know I could be doing plenty of things better but, for the most part, I'm able to let go of the things I'm not awesome at and focus on the things I AM awesome at. 

But Jenny. Jenny makes me feel allllll the mama guilts- in only the best way ;) Within moments of walking into her home, you can feel of the goodness and love that she's worked every day to grow. Being a mother is her J.O.B. and she is quietly doing every aspect of that job beautifully. The focus, intention, and peace that comes from actively making her home a safe sanctuary, protected from the outside world, is something I want to become better at. Thank you, Jenny, for proving that it's possible. 

My favorite part of our session together was when I busted out the *disposable camera at the end and let the kids be in charge completely. So fun seeing these images and the way it gives me a small glimpse into who they are and how they experience the world. And, maybe it's just me and my nerdy film ways, but there's something about disposable camera images that just make me feel so good, deep down- like it's cutting right to the core of fuzzy and happy childhood memories. 

(Mamiya 645 ProTL with Fuji400h film and Fujifilm Quicksnap camera)

*Almost every disposable camera image was shot by either the 3 1/2 year-old daughter or the 5 year-old son.

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