the newest member of our family: tiny goldie
A few days after giving birth to our sweet, tiny Goldie girl, Chas and I turned our living room into a little makeshift studio so I could snap a few real photos of Goldie in all her glorious newborn-ness. There are two things that I absolutely love about these images: one is the way Goldie looks on film- especially the beautiful, timeless black and white. And that rich grain? Love it. And the other is the documentation of Hero's uncertainty about her new little sister. Thumb in her mouth for constant comfort and only sitting as close to Goldie as she can stand, these photos remind me that change can be difficult and confusing and that it's ok to feel hesitant about it all. With time, however, things will start to feel better, more normal. Eventually, there will be less thumb sucking and more sister cuddles in this new life we've found together.
Mamiya 645, canon eos 3, portra 800, kodak tri-x